Articles Dilution BADCP

Why the fuck is it whenever one Wii U game is announced, you have hundreds of idiots demanding a 3DS version? The more I think of this, the more I see how the Nintendo 3DS has been a detriment to video games as a whole. The inception of the Nintendo 3DS made an existing problems in the video game industry even worse; developer drive and consumer view of value. It has ushered in a generation of both entitled consumers and developers alike.

The logic in this is all completely based on selfishness. Yes, selfishness. An example is how Xenoblade Chronicles X is finally finished after its development team worked tirelessly for years, and is critically-acclaimed, yet entitled 3DS owners far and wide ignored it simply because it was on the Wii U. Why anyone would want to take a beautiful game like Xenoblade Chronicles X and cut the graphics way, way down to fit on the non-HD 3DS is beyond any sort of logic.

Unless, of course, you look at it from the point of view of a cheap-ass motherfucker who doesn't want to the price of admission for a great game. If you want to play a game that's on a certain machine, then cough up the fucking dough and get what you want to play. Yeah, like the 3DS needs any more support. It does not need any more fucking support. It has enough games on it, already. It's got the support of virtually every developer on this miserable planet; what more could you want? Stop insulting artists with demands for scaled-down versions of huge games just to save a fucking buck. No, artists don't want to scale their hard work! Get your bullshit demands out of here! Stop buying dumb shit like drugs and alcohol so you can afford the machines of these games you want to play.

Writer: BAD
The Lowest Common Denominator

Games that weren't even supposed to be on the fucking thing (Hyrule Warriors "Legends") were made for it. Here, we have a nice-looking Wii U game, but let's chop it up and cut it down and make it look subpar so that cheap fucks can save a few bucks. What an insult to the men and women who worked so damn hard to make the original, high-definition game a reality. All that hard work, only to reverse-engineer the whole project into standard-definition because of selfish assholes. This practice is downright insulting to anyone who sees what's going on. But, that's just the thing. It's really bad when the consumer doesn't care if they get a completely butchered, watered-down product...just as long as they get it. When the consumer is fine with this sort of business strategy, it is clear that the value of new hardware and the obvious increase in technology no longer exists to them. It is no longer a factor. No matter the cost, they want a product on this cheap machine they have bought, regardless of the (arguably-negative) end result.

The Wii U was basically ignored for the entirety of its lifespan because of the fact that the "cheaper" 3DS existed. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the 3DS, but when Nintendo made it, they sealed the Wii U's fate. It's mere existence made developers even lazier than before (if that's possible), and gave them even more excuses not to develop on the Wii U. Nintendo 3DS development kept games in a sort-of lowest common denominator mentality. Behind Wii U development was always 3DS development in the background, which dictated development as a lowest common denominator. If a developer was to make a Wii U game, it was a concern over whether the game could work on the 3DS, too. This put a lot of games either on hold, or only a 3DS version was decided on by default. This was complete bullshit. Developers always talk about limitations and this and that other bullshit, yet for many flagship series, many developers chose the 3DS. "Oh, but it has larger market share." Of course it would, you fucking idiots! Any machine with support is going to have market share! If you don't support a machine, it will not have market share! The 3DS would have been in the Wii U's position of lacking support if it had been cooler and trendier to make games for the Wii U, instead.

"Excuses I Defy"

It is not just about portability and people in Japan wanting to play it on trains and all this other horseshit. Even in Japan, there are several choices for mobile and a lot of the shit they are playing on the 3DS is either on other mobile devices or there are clones of it. It's about developer trends, who talks to who, what's trendy, and what's not. Developers go where their friends go. Developers stopped Wii development because it wasn't HD. They had previously made excuses for Nintendo 64 development because it was cartridge and not CD-based. Now, we have the Wii U, which is HD and disc-based, compared to the cartridge-formatted 3DS. Despite this, developers chose to make games on the weaker, cartridge-based machine. Don't try to make sense of this; there is no sense to be made. Just accept it as hypocritical bullshit. Developers are still holding grudges over shit that happened with Nintendo ages ago, and it's stupid. To act like Nintendo is the only hardware maker who has ever had missteps with developers is to ignore the facts.

Nintendo is not the only hardware maker to butt heads with developers; it's just used as an excuse. Remember when Sony was acting really shitty about 2-D games on the American PlayStation 2, while completely supporting them for the Japanese PlayStation 2? Remember when Microsoft had consistent red-ring hardware failures with the Xbox 360? These things (while direct or indirect) had affected software sales. We can add to that Sony having developers foot PlayStation Network costs, or Microsoft having the consumer foot XBox Live costs. In each situation, a side was unhappy.

Thrown Away Keys To Success

Though it has come down a few notches over the years, developers hate that Nintendo doesn't just let anything fly on their hardware. They have quality assurance, and developers hate that. So, Nintendo has quality assurance; do you want to play shitty games? Look at all the tripe you get on Sony and Microsoft machines. Just take a look at it and see that for every good game you got, there are 20 - 30 duds out there just waiting to take your money. Absolute dogshit like "The Impossible Game". Fuck "games" like this and fuck the lazy fucks who make them. Bullshit like this doesn't even deserve to be classified as a game. Even Pac-Man was better than this shit, and it came out something like 30 years ago! Are you fucking kidding me?!

Typical New World Order Bullshit

Anyway, we can look back at the 8-Bit era and see that the Nintendo had all the best games. There was barely even any contest. Atari? Give me a break. Sega? Let's be honest; a lot of people didn't even know about who they were until their 16-Bit machine came out. Then, there was a plethora of other machines that people give a shit about now, but didn't give a shit about then; many of which I didn't even learn of myself until recently, along with the botched ports of games that were better on either Nintendo or Atari. Nintendo really didn't have the competition they would have in future years.

Why was this so? Because Nintendo actually had quality assurance. They knew it was the key to resurrecting an industry that was responsible for its own collapse. The industry now is trying to get rid of that. You can see how this has been eroded and companies like EA have been vocal about how much making a complete, quality game inconveniences them. They want it to be like it was before the collapse.

Obviously, Nintendo's quality assurance has interfered with the nefarious plans of the ruling elite. Similar to a New World Order where they have absolute power, they seek the same in video games where they would have no competition to threaten profit. Competition is always healthy; not just in the video game industry, but economics, and in the world, as a whole. The real question here is motive. Why would they want to do this if the line they must walk to make it successful is so thin? Why take such a large risk? In their pursuit of a one-platform or one-developer industry, will the video game industry once again drown in the flooding waves of low-quality, undesirable garbage?

Writer: BAD
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