Perhaps the most overlooked version of Viewtiful
Joe was on the Nintendo DS hardware. Viewtiful Joe - Double Trouble
(Scratch!! in Japanese) came out after the awesome Viewtiful Joe
- Red Hot Rumble to very little fanfare. The game was released to
lukewarm reception because Nintendo DC owners were by and large
were distracted by inferior titles with inferior touchscreen utilization.
They say that history repeats itself, and this is the case with
The Wonderful 101, which was also released to the same reception
by no fault of its own. VJDT used the NDS touchscreen for a variety
of meaningful tasks, and The Wonderful 101 uses the Wii U GamePad
in the same manner. Both titles demonstrate the height of video
game control innovation in their respective eras. Though you have
input options (i.e. Wii U Pro Controller), there's nothing quite
like viewing structure interiors on the GamePad screen, or using
the stylus to draw The Wonderful 101's most intricate solutions.
It's amazing.