Many similarities Wonderful 101 shares with Viewtiful
Joe are seen instantly on the surface with the style of the character
design. The Wonderful 101's character roster is literally comprised
of 100 (yes, one-hundred) characters (and even more if you count
the unaccounted-for civilian helpers that join your team after being
rescued)! My squad was once a eclectic collection of schoolgirls,
SWAT, and businessmen! Instead of enemies, The Wonderful 101 turns
the tables and gives you, the player, all the strength in numbers
only dreamt of. It's the biggest roster ever in the side-scrolling
fighter genre, even beating out Sega's monstrous SpikeOut - Battle
Street on the original XBox. Each of these 100 heroes begins with
the prefix of "Wonder" and are pulled from a wide variety
of backgrounds that include (but are not limited to) pirates, knights,
shopping fashion icons, divers, street lights, postal boxes...you
name it! Yes, there are literally characters with mailboxes and
street lights for heads!