MVSCI contains loads of fan service that isn't talked
about, considering how much it was accused of not having. It's probably
impossible to state them all in a single article, but there are tons of
subtle homages to the games the Capcom characters are originally from.
For years, fans have made mountains of requests through every off-line
and online medium you can think of, and some of them were addressed and
made reality in MVSCI. Of course, some may not have been exactly as fans
requested, but actually fitting such requests into a game can't be easy.
Capcom did the best they could while minding the framework of the game
and simultaneously adhering to integrity-related agreements with Marvel.
It's nothing bad; contractual agreements are just business, and it's not
these that are to blame for "fans" not noticing Capcom's representation
of their own IPs enough in MVSCI. While it is true that Capcom had too
many returning characters on their side from the previous two games in
the series, that is not to say they failed to include any new characters
or fan requests into MVSCI. They did, and the list is long. Where do we
The list of fan requests that Capcom addressed (but fans
themselves ignored) includes (but is not limited to) Mega Man X as a playable
character in a fighting game, Mega Man X and Zero both playable in the
same fighting game, the Mega Man X Command Mission costume being in a
fighting game, Chun Li's SFII ending outfit, Strider's Grand Master Meio
in a fighting game, Sigma in a fighting game, Evil Ryu being brought back,
Venom being brought back, new DarkStalkers characters (Jedah) for the
series, Monster Hunter characters, and creative new moves for old characters
(Morrigan's and Chun Li's new moves are a true evolution of their fighting
styles). Arthur collects a tiny armor power-up and goes from his boxers
to a full suit of armor in a flash, Monster Hunter uses a Barrel Bomb
in her Level 3 Super Move, Strider covers the screen in flashing slashes,
Chris uses the Rocket Launcher he used to decimate Tyrant, and Haggar
even finds powerups from tossed oil drums. There are even more homages
in character appearance with alternate costumes and colors. For
Marvel fan service, they made costumes and color choices that represent
characters like Anti-Venom, retro Spiderman, and even USAgent from the
almighty Marvel Super Heroes VS. Street Fighter! The Capcom side will
bring a tear to any fan's eye, with Morrigan and Chun-Li in plainclothes
costumes from endings in their own games, Chris Redfield's bomber jacket
alternate costume from the very first Resident Evil game, Strider Hien
for Strider, Ryu turning into Evil Ryu, and MegaMan X's transformations!
You can tell Capcom was listening to fans when you see these versions
of characters in the game, yet they get criticized for "not listening"
to fans. What the hell? There's tons of fan service in MVSCI that fans
have requested over the years, yet it goes either unnoticed or twisted
and turned into something bad.